Decorate a tabletop Christmas tree with vintage ornaments! And I’m sharing my favorite places to find vintage glass ornaments to start your own collection!
Faux Christmas Tree Decorating Tips With
The best faux Christmas tree decorating tips. Learn how to make your faux tree look like a professional with these tips and ideas.
Our Scandinavian Christmas Porch With Hanging Paper Lanterns
This year we decorated our Christmas porch with hanging paper snowflake and star lanterns. I came up with a genius way of powering them without having extensions cords running everywhere. Come see!
Halloween Porch Decor With Witches Hats and Candles
Halloween porch decor with hanging witches hats and floating candles! Create a haunted Halloween front porch with these DIY ideas.
Fall Dinner Party Tablescape and Menu Ideas
A simple but beautiful fall tablescape featuring subtle autumn color. Plus, the best fall dinner party menu ideas from Martha Stewart for easy hosting.